Arguably one of the most famous streets in Norwich, Elm Hill has a rich and interesting past you may not even know about.

Here are 5 fast facts about Elm Hill.



First up on our 5 fasts facts about Elm Hill is that it is named after Elm trees, but today only one lone tree remains.

It can be found at the western end of the street near the Briton Arms.

The trees may nearly all be gone but the name lives on.


A Ghost

At the top of the hill you will pass the site of a monastery which was set up by Joseph Lyne, aka Father Ignatius, who wanted to build a new church in Norwich. This is now an art school.

However, tensions from the residents of Norwich who didn’t favour Catholicism meant that Joseph Lyne suffered a nervous breakdown and is said to haunt Elm Hill!

We bet you didn’t expect to find a ghost on our 5 fast facts about Elm Hill!


The Great Fire

A major fire ravaged through Elm Hill in 1507 which is our third fast fact about Elm Hill, but the properties were rebuilt and are still standing today.

It makes you appreciate that cobbled street with the many houses, thatched roofs and shops that little bit more when you take a walk down Elm Hill.


Location, Location, Location

This fast fact about Elm Hill will surprise you.

Elm Hill contained more Tudor Houses down its paths than the whole city of London!


Briton’s Arms

Our final entry on our 5 fast facts – Elm Hill was built in 1420 and has been trading since 1951, Elm Hill houses one of the most iconic establishments in Norwich; the Britons Arms.

This building has certainly seen and been part of it’s fair share of historical events across the centuries and in 1951 two brewers sold the building for £10.00 to Norwich City Council!

We recommend you go and have a coffee in this unique building.

Next time you take a wander down the cobbled street take some time to soak up the heritage of Elm Hill and its many buildings, shops and don’t forget to watch out for the ghost of Joseph Lyne!

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